Ooo, Hello - Grace Puppy do being writings from the Vets!
I have been a very silly little Grace Puppy!
Mummy do be buyings specials dog pate, which beings in a metals tube. She bes buyings it for a present to be givings a friend who do be havings a new puppy dog. It be to be put insides of a Kong toy. Just the pate paste, not the whole tube.
Firstly, I don't think that Mummy should be buyings Nom Noms for other dogs! With the exception of Eli, Loki, Shannow, Bizkit and Pippin - and maybes some of ours Twitter friends if we do be meetings thems at the GGG.
Secondly, She be puttings it on the Kitchen unit, wheres it do beings quite safe from use Hounds, but not that safes from Thomas Cat, who, being my partner in crime, did be doings the knockings it off the units.
It was Early Tuesdays mornings, and it was dark and quiet. Thomas Cat, do be sayings, 'Ear, lookings what I do be findings' and he be sniffings at this tube. I do be sayings to him - 'Lets have a look', and he be sayings, 'Only, if you be doings sharings?', I did be sayings of course I be doings sharings. I then be carrying the tubes off to my den on the sofa. Thomas do be shoutings after me - 'Ear, what about this sharings?'
The smell from the tube bes so Num Num, I do be quite eager to be findings what is inside the tubes. I bite, and the metal does do splitting open - it is well Num Num, I cannot stop myselves! I do eatings - everythings - the whole tubes - except for the plastic lid! That not beings Num Num.
I then be a little bit guilty - Ooo, what beings Mummy sayings?
I did not do goings upstairs to fetch Mummy for breakfast, as I do be knowings she be findings the metal bits and the plastic cap.
Mummy called me when she and Katie were gettings out of beds - I do goes upstairs, and does act normally. When Mummy does be comings down stairs, she do be seeings a little bit of metal on the floor. She do be picking it up, and seeings it is chewed, looks at me..... Phew, she not be knowings where it came from. But, then she be goings into the kitchens - Ooo, she has found the bag, Ooo, she bes seeings the tube has gone - Ooo, she be findings he plastics caps in my beds!
I be doings a lot of sittings and waggings of my tail. Katie, be sayings to me - 'You What? You ate the whole things?, You beings a silly puppy pants!'
Ooo, I not be knowings what I had been doings, but apparently it is beings serious!
Mummy does phonings the vets! Mummy does be phonings workings! Mummy does be phonings her sister! Ooo, what have I done?
Mummy does be stayings at homes today! Good job, I does beings sick at 12 noon, Ooo, I think that pate might have beings too rich, I do be sicking up metal bits too.....
Mummy does do takings me to the vets at 6 pm, Ooo, the vet is talking about x rays and surgery and endoscopes and operations. Ooo, now she be talkings about food, high fibre, and tablets....Ooo, Mummy do be sayings tryings the highfibre and tablets to be helpings me get rid of the metal which is inside me.
Ooo, Mummy do be sayings she will be doings stayings at homes tomorrows too, to make sure everything does be coming out my bottom in my #pooclub.
Mummy does be doings lookings in my poos - How Rude! Ooo, it be looking to see that metal bits are coming outs.....
Thursdays Early Mornings
Ooo, I feel a little sick - Ooo, there does be something not agreeings with me - Ooo, I going to be sick puppy! Ooo, that bes betters. I thought those bits were a bit chewy. I had betters be goings to tells Mummy. Ooo, she does not be too happys - Ooo, she be sayings about vets and x rays agains! Ooo, Noings! Vets! Ooo No!
Ooo, she be phonings the vets - Ooo, Noings! Ooo, she be putting my harness on, Ooo, we might be goings walkings! Ooo, going in the car.....? Ooo, where is Katie Whippet? Are we going walkings without Katie Whippet? Ooo, noings, we cannot be doings that? Ooo, Where is Katie Whippet?
Katie Whippet is doing barkings at the door! Mummy going back in to get Katie Whippet...Phew. Ooo, Noings, she be comes out agains without Katie Whippet - Ooo, Where is Katie Whippet?
Ooo, I do be knowings this place - it does be the vets. Ooo, we have been called straight in! Ooo, Mummy be sayings what I did be doings. Ooo, Mummy bes goings! Ooo, I will go and have a lookings at this vets office place thens!
Ooo, I do be feelings a little sleepy. Ooo, the vet nurse be sayings I do beings OKs, Ooo, she be sayings I was a good girlings, because they only had to give me a pre-med to be doings my x rays! Ooo, she be doings sayings, that I only have little bits of metal beings remainings now insides me, and I should beings OKings! Carry on with the rice fibre I supposings!
Ooo, I think I will do catching up on my Blog whilst I be in hospitals vets - as I have my own iPad thingy - and I will not be so board whilst waitings for Mummy to be comings to picks me up. She might bring Katie Whippet with her.....
Katie and Grace
Hello, we are two sighthounds who like to blog and Tweet.
I am Katie Whippet - I am a brindle and white whippet, who likes to sleep and eat. I do have some duties, I keep the sofa safe, bark at the bin men, steal and hide shoes and help the puppy evict cats from our garden.
I am Grace Puppy - I am Grace Puppy - I am not actually a puppy any more, but, because I am young, Katie Whippet calls me puppy. I like to whine and play. My duties are keeping watch for cats in the garden.
We live with Mummy, and two cats, Yazz Cat and Tom Cat and like to tell everyone about what we are getting up to.
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