Katie and Grace

Hello, we are two sighthounds who like to blog and Tweet.

I am Katie Whippet - I am a brindle and white whippet, who likes to sleep and eat. I do have some duties, I keep the sofa safe, bark at the bin men, steal and hide shoes and help the puppy evict cats from our garden.

I am Grace Puppy - I am Grace Puppy - I am not actually a puppy any more, but, because I am young, Katie Whippet calls me puppy. I like to whine and play. My duties are keeping watch for cats in the garden.

We live with Mummy, and two cats, Yazz Cat and Tom Cat and like to tell everyone about what we are getting up to.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

i Pad and Garden Bouncings!

Ooooo, Hellos, Grace Wiggins Bolt Puppy here!

Do you be likings my Lympics name?

I am thinkings Katie be wantings to be gettings in  on the act of being Lympic Hound too!

I dos be Playings with my ball (Actually it is Katie's out of her Pedigree Joint Care+ Trial Pack, but, it is the only way she be doing playings, is if I am doing playings, and she wants to be gettings me!)

Mummy says, you always know when Katie is going to chase me, because her expression changes - look at the start of this video, and you can see, she be's looking very interested in her pray - ME!

When I beings small, and even more of a Puppy than I am beings now, Katie used to be able to knock me overs, but nows, she cannots bes doings that - and she gets frustrated, because she likes to be thinkings she is top dog.  She is, but don't be telling her, I told you that!

Watch this!

Mummy bes spending most of yesterdays playing around with new puter, which we hounds did be doings objectings too!

We did be goings for our walkings in the mornings, down to Muddy Puddle and doing our reportings - because we be good hounds, keepings you updated on a daily basis of Muddy Puddle's progressings!

Muddy Puddle is very small now, just mud basically, even the mud looks like it be dryings ups!  We hopings for a little rainings just to make sure he survives!

Then Mummy does be sayings she is goings out - and she be's closing the spare room door and the bath room door, and pulling the curtains in the living room (so Katie cannot see peeps at the bus stop, and do barkings at them)

We knew she had to be goings to the pet shop, becauseing she be sayings to Grans that she would get some cat foods and a Zoom Groom Brush, for their cat! Me do not be likings Grans cat, she be a nasty piece of work!

Anywayings, she goes out, and is beings gones for two hours!  We thinkings she got confused and gone doings workings!

She does be comings back with lots of bags, as she bes goings to Currys, Kennel Gate and Homebase! We's also nots too impressed as she bes buying cat food for Grans, but no treats for us! But then she brought tins of Chappie in, so thens we bes letting her off!

Then she bes opening boxes and plugging things in and making lunch, and typing on this flat pad thing in the kitchen!

Then she be watching Lympics, eating lunch and still be typings on this pad thing!

The Pad thing is getting more attention than us, so we do snoozings!  Then we do wakings ups, and she still typing on the pad thing - so I do barkings, to gos outsides!

We dos be goings outsides and she does be messing about with bits of wood making a fence for the edge of the lawn - we do snoozings in the garden.

Thens I be doings runnings arounds, because I be findings Katie's ball! Then I be doings bouncings and annoying Katie - Mummy comes out with her cup of tea and Katie joins in the bouncings! Mummys tea nearly does be goings flyings, because she be putting on the stool, and filmings us!

Mummy does be sayings, she be buying the i Pad so we can do our twitter and blogs on the move!  So, we be doings a postings yesterdays complaining about all our treat money being spent on something we cannot play with or eat!

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