Katie and Grace

Hello, we are two sighthounds who like to blog and Tweet.

I am Katie Whippet - I am a brindle and white whippet, who likes to sleep and eat. I do have some duties, I keep the sofa safe, bark at the bin men, steal and hide shoes and help the puppy evict cats from our garden.

I am Grace Puppy - I am Grace Puppy - I am not actually a puppy any more, but, because I am young, Katie Whippet calls me puppy. I like to whine and play. My duties are keeping watch for cats in the garden.

We live with Mummy, and two cats, Yazz Cat and Tom Cat and like to tell everyone about what we are getting up to.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Sunny Saturday Evening

Saturday Evening, and it is actually nice and sunny outside for once.  So, I decide to go out into the back garden with Mummy and Grace Puppy.  Mummy takes the ball thrower which came with MY Joint Care+ trial pack.  I don't play with balls... Well, sometimes I might.... It depends on my mood....  Anyway, they are MINE and NOT Grace Puppys - but, she appears to have got one of my balls!  I try and sort her out!  But, as you can see from the video, she is very fast - See what I have to put up with?

I much more prefer doing a bit of gardening!

Or eating the Goosegrass!

Mummy dids also doings video of da Ferretty Boyz - they used to do livings with us, but, mummy broke her wrist, and they dids gettings very fat and very naughty and did bitings.  So, Mike took them over, and now they do comes back for their holidays when Mike goes on his holidays - he works at the Airport, so he does lots of holidays and we been having da Boyz for 8 weeks!  They still very naughty, but not as fat! Arthur ferret did bitings Grace when he first arrived for his holidays!

These be Terry and Arthur - Yes, there is a reference to Minder. Basically, because they are two dodgy blokes!

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